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£21,000 for Woman Who Tripped on Debris Left by Crash

An elderly woman who tripped on debris from her garden wall after a motorist crashed into it has received compensation for the injuries she suffered.

After the vehicle collided with the wall, the woman, who had heard the crash, went outside to see what had happened and whether she could help the driver. As she was making her way through her garden, she fell over some fallen masonry left by the accident, fracturing her hip. She required surgery and, although she has made a fairly good recovery, she still experiences pain and has difficulty moving, which has made it more difficult for her to live independently.

She sought legal advice and a claim was brought against the driver's insurer. While she had not been directly injured in the crash, it was argued that the driver's negligence had created the hazard that led to her injuries. The insurer indicated that it disputed liability but made an offer to settle the claim.

Following negotiations, an increased offer was made and a settlement of £21,000 was agreed, reflecting the care and assistance the woman needs as a result of her fall.